Statistics show significant blow to tourism during epidemic
All tourism facilities were forced to close in mid-March, when Slovenia declared the coronavirus epidemic and imposed a number of restrictions. Small hotels of up to 30 rooms were allowed to reopen on 18 May.
However, not many guests turned up, only 17,317 tourists, which was 96.5% less than in May 2019. The number of Slovenian guests was down by 88.6% to 13,495, while the number of foreign guests dropped by 99% to only 3,822.
Similar drops were recorded in overnight stays, with a total of 38.478 recorded, a drop of 96.5% over May last year.
Overnights by Slovenians were down 91.8% to just over 25,000 and by foreign guests 98.3% to less than 14,500.
Croatian guests were the largest group of foreign tourists in Slovenia, accounting for 15% of overnights, 11% of overnights were generated by Germans, followed by guests from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Italy and Turkey.