Crossing Musical Borders
"Deciding to conquer a totally new music style for us, Adiemus, was a challenging step for us," wrote the girls in their bulletin special edition, issued last year for the 5th anniversary of their choir. Adiemus is an artificially created musical language of sounds, developed by composer Karl Jenkins. Symphonic music with ethnic elements, inducing a spiritual and meditative atmosphere, leads the audience to find their own interpretations. Addressing people from different environments, cultures and beliefs, this kind of music is universally appealing. Crossing musical borders and frameworks, it lets the listeners' imaginations take their own course. "Compliments, handshakes and enthusiasm from the audience after our shows give me the feeling that we have created something really precious," says Sabina Devjak, the leader. The choir of 23 girls - the youngest is only 10-years old - will perform at the Slovene Philharmonic Hall on 20th February at 7 pm. Working together successfully Deorina regularly appears on local and regional scenes. The choir celebrated its 5th birthday while performing Adiemus at a traditional concert in the hall of Seskov dom in their hometown of Kocevje last December,. At the event, the mayor Janko Veber presented the Gallus award to the choir members, who have been participating in the choir since its foundation. "Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success," the girls wrote in their bulletin. In 2004 Sabina and the girls published a CD simply entitled "Deorina". Their biggest success is the silver award for the best choir at a regional competition of youth choirs in Slovenia two years ago. After not only surprising, but also delighting the crowd in their home town, they are presenting their fabulous Adiemus repertoire to a larger audience. Accompanied by a piano, percussions and a flute, their performance will surely satisfy the music tastes of those who have not had the pleasure of hearing them before.