The Slovenia Times

Poll: Majority thinks quarantine after Croatia belated measure


The poll carried out between 21 and 23 August among 523 persons aged 18-75 sees 52% of the respondents saying that quarantine is a belated measure, 24% that it is excessive and 21% that it is a right measure.

More than half agree with the theory that the main source of the increase in infections are night clubs and irresponsible behaviour of young people, while almost 25% more subscribe to this view to a certain extent.

When it comes to its measures to prevent the spread of the infection, the government is trusted by almost 60% of the respondents, around 7% are undecided and the rest do not trust it.

This is a much better result for the government compared to a similar survey in April, the pollster said as it presented the poll on Tuesday.

More than two-thirds (68%) of the people polled are convinced that things are getting worse, while the share of those worried about the situation has remained level compared to two weeks ago (62%).

Some 28% of the respondents believe that the government's measures are too strict, which is seven percentage points more than two weeks ago.

Almost half of the people polled (44%) think that the novel coronavirus is of natural origin, with half of them thinking that it was transferred to humans from animals, and slightly less that it leaked out of a laboratory due to human error.

The share of people who believe that the virus's origin is natural dropped from 57% at the end of May, while the share of the supporters of the theories about an artificial origin and/or deliberate leakage from a laboratory was up from 30% to 36%.

On the other hand, 12% of the respondents believe that the virus does not exist or that there are some other explanations for it, which is almost the same compared to three months ago.


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