The Slovenia Times

New record of 203 coronavirus infections on Tuesday

Daily newsNekategorizirano

There were 1,736 active coronavirus infection in Slovenia on Tuesday, according Sledilnik, with 86 people requiring hospital care, of whom 16 were in intensive care.

The most recent data bring the total count of positive cases to 5,690 and the death tally to 150.

The current incidence has exceeded 80 infections per 100,000 residents in two weeks, government spokesman Jelko Kacin told reporters.

"We're testing more than in spring, hence we detect more infections," said Kacin, appealing again to everyone to stick to the prescribed precautionary measures, and to limit their social life and visits to shops and other crowded spots as much as possible.

He said that the contact tracing app for smart phones has been downloaded by more than 112,000 users and that an increasing number were getting messages they had come into contact with infected persons.

Yesterday, once again, the highest number of new cases was confirmed in Ljubljana (37), followed by Kranj with 9 cases.

Meanwhile, Črna na Koroškem in the north remains the community with the highest share of SARS-CoV-2 infections per capita (1.219%).

There are currently 40 active infections in Črna na Koroškem after the local centre for persons with disabilities became a Covid-19 hotspot, with 45 users and 15 members of staff testing positive.

Coronavirus infection were also confirmed in several staff members and patients at the regional hospital in Slovenj Gradec.

There, four staff member have contracted the virus, all of them in their home environment, the hospital said on Wednesday. Eight employees are quarantining.

Moreover, two patients have also tested positive, both contracting the virus at home. Staff members who were tested following this have all been negative.

Overall, 16 health staff across the country tested positive yesterday, most of them contracting the virus at home.

The country's largest hospital, UKC Ljubljana, has had 21 infections this month, the last one today. The infections are sporadic and as a rule the result of external contacts," spokesman Jure Brankovič said.

As the outbreak worsens, the authorities have their work cut out issuing quarantine orders. By Monday, the Health Ministry had issued 80,630 quarantine orders, of which 5,600 in the past week alone.

However, due to staff shortages, 4,700 quarantine recommendations from the National Institute of Public Health were still pending at the ministry on Monday.


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