The Slovenia Times

The debate is unbalanced



In 2001, Aleš Primc tabled a motion for a referendum against in vitro fertilisation in single women. While the voter turnout was very low, the majority voted against fertilisation. Now, after Dr. Ivan Svetlik, the Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, predicted "a more contemporary concept of family," stressing the definition of family as "a community of adults and children," Primc claims that the coalition is trying to overrule the vote of the people and predicts another referendum, should the act be adopted.

There are many who maintain that attacks on homosexuals are fuelled by politicians and other people in the public eye who denounce homosexuality as deviant, alien and unwanted. What is your opinion on this?

In my opinion, tolerance of homosexuality in Slovenia is comparable to the general European level of tolerance. People accept that homosexuality exists, but they refuse to accept the unnatural demands of homosexual organisations to make same-sex relationships equal to heterosexual marriage or to allow in vitro fertilisation and adoption in same-sex relationships. People are also opposed to the intrusive propaganda of these organisations and certain individuals who want these demands to be met.

Public discussion of these issues is at an acceptable level, comparable to other European countries, but it is not balanced enough. This is due to the fact that homosexuals have an enormous influence on the media and are thus able to broadcast their views much more extensively than we are, as we try to express our disagreement with their demands, which are absolutely unacceptable. Unfortunately, it seems that even RTV Slovenia has fallen under the influence of the homosexual lobby, despite their claims that their mission is to focus on matters of nationwide significance, unlike commercial TV stations. I wonder what nationwide significance the national broadcasting organisation sees in the demands of homosexuals, that it refuses to allow us to air our arguments for several months in a row.

While discussions on some Internet message boards can sometimes fall to an unacceptable level, this is true for both sides. In general, this is the problem with most Internet discussions.

I do not want to make any guesses as to the reasons for the attack, since I am not familiar with either the attackers or the circumstances.

Homosexuals are trying to take over not only the media and certain politicians, but many other institutions as well. Recently, I saw Roman Kuhar taking part in TV klub on POP TV, where he was introduced as a representative of the Faculty of Arts. Who gave him this mandate? Was this decision made by the bodies of the Faculty of Arts? I do not believe so, since I hope that the people in charge of the Faculty are aware that the Faculty is an open forum for knowledge, not a cheerleading stand for advertising the interests of certain individuals. As a graduate of the Faculty of Arts, I object to this abuse of the Faculty, its students and lecturers. Let me remind you how the last discussion on the demands of homosexuals began a few months ago. The discussion was opened by one of the lecturers from the Faculty of Social Work at an event that was sponsored by the Faculty of Social Work. These abuses are absolutely unacceptable and I am counting on the competent authorities to prevent them in the future.

What is your message to the people who organised the attack and beat up Mitja Blažič?

Don't do it again, guys.

Do you think it is necessary for homosexuals to raise awareness at pride parades?

While these carnivals can get pretty tasteless sometimes, I believe that people are more opposed to their unnatural and unjustified demands and the way they are trying to force us into an unacceptable re-evaluation of society.

Advocates of same-sex relationships and adoptions support their viewpoint with research showing that children raised by homosexual couples are not necessarily gay themselves. They also point out that children growing up in these circumstances are always wanted and receive the attention that is often lacking in heterosexual, traditional relationships, a fact that is contrasted with the state of a typical Slovenian family, all too frequently burdened with violence and alcohol abuse. Which do you see as worse, the latter or a homosexual couple raising an adopted child?

Science is not unanimous on the issues you mention. But what is clear and self-evident to me are the laws of nature. Only a man and a woman can have a child in a natural way and a family is the most suitable environment to raise children. Every child has the right to a father and a mother and this right must not be taken away by the government. Let me tell you what a single mother said to me eight years ago, when we were fighting to prevent the adoption of a law that would allow single women to have children. She said that she strongly supported our efforts and that, as a single mother, she realised the importance of a father in a child's life.

Of course alcohol causes a lot of grief in our families, as do drugs, gambling addiction and many other factors. But are homosexuals resistant to alcohol, drugs, gambling addiction and other forms of addiction? Was this also determined by researchers somewhere?

A child has the right to a father and a mother, because children need a father and a mother to provide the best environment for their development, upbringing and entering the outside world. That is why even divorced parents are encouraged by law to take part in the upbringing, even if both do not live with the child.

Following up on your claim that homosexuality is unnatural, what do you see as the reason for homosexual tendencies and how should society act against them?

Society, including Slovenian society, has already made a large step towards tolerance of homosexuality, since it is tolerated and accepted as a reality of society. It is now time for homosexual organisations and certain individuals to stop their demands and the extortion that has already gone beyond all natural limits and common sense.

Based on the supposition that homosexuality is not likely to disappear and will remain a social issue, how would you regulate it by law? To what extent would you allow relationships, registration, public displays of homosexuality, etc.?

The field of same-sex relationships is well-regulated by the Registration of a Same-Sex Civil Partnership Act. This is also the main message of the Constitutional Court; of the 39 articles, the article on inheritance from a same-sex partner in a civil partnership was determined to be in discrepancy with the Constitution. This article will be revised in the National Assembly and then I hope these discussions can be wrapped up and the public can stop focusing on these matters, since there are many other issues that are much more important. We are in the middle of the largest economic and social crisis after World War II. As the Prime Minister promised at the beginning of his mandate and as I would expect from the government, hopefully they will turn their attention towards solving the crisis and helping those most affected by it, rather than focusing on homosexual issues, which seem to be the main topic for certain ministers.


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