Then we discovered it was not just any man, but a respected doctor by the name of Baričević, a doctor who treated the country's elite. We also found out the dogs were actually his own. To top it all, we learnt that these were not just any dogs but the same ones which had already attacked and nearly killed a man four years ago. At the time the dogs were evaluated as too dangerous to be kept alive, but spared after series of judicial and expert interventions.
After the unfortunate event, we were given the opportunity to find out many interesting things from many different experts. Psychologists spoke about human souls who need the company of dangerous dogs. Zoologists detailed the behaviour of dogs in various conditions. Dog owners began to notice people getting afraid and suspicious of any dogs. Facebook members joined a group called "There are no dangerous dogs, only dangerous people". And finally, the anti-draft commission stated the incident showed no signs of corruption, but added something that appears clear to us all: "if this was a matter of some anonymous person, things would have happened differently."
The press gratefully grabbed the story. They did not hesitate to expose many scandalous twists to the already incredible tale, reporting on Baričević's family and the fact he was actually born a woman. Stories also included details of autopsy reports which suggested that the dogs had been sodomised. Even if we take into consideration the endless imagination and sensational appetite of the media, and try to get rid of all the moralistic ballast, the entire affair still comes with a simple message: the good doctor should have had his dogs killed years ago, but as a person of wealth and a friend to many influential people, he managed to lead them past executioners and back to their kennels. After he persistently complained to the court, yet another special expert commission finally concluded that the dogs could be kept alive, although under certain, carefully prescribed conditions. They were conditions which he didn't follow - resulting in his death. It was his fault, but as for the rest, it all seems to have been carried out completely legally.
At that point we were all bitten: not by a dog, but by an impression that we live in a society where a corrupt elite behaves arrogant and shamelessly. This elite was reflected in a person who put his obsession with his dogs before the life of an innocent citizen. The survivor of the previous dog attack denies he received any apology or other gesture of good will from the dog's owner.
It is a time of crisis, when the country's leadership turns to the people asking them for unity and patience. But ever-deepening social differences make it clear that not everyone needs to work hard and patiently hope for the better times. That is why it would feel really good if we believed that at least in front of the law we still share some equality.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, a Slovenian athlete won an Olympic bronze in impossible conditions. She seemed like the action movie hero who with four bullet holes in her chest still manages to defeat the bad guys. Only in her case it wasn't the gunshot wounds she had to battle but four broken ribs sustained in a strange accident a few days before. Petra Majdič, the woman who apparently put her life at risk by returning to the cross-country track despite this heavy injury, has already become a legend and an example for all hard-working Slovenes who experience difficulties making ends meet in what are currently unfavorable circumstances. These Slovenes don't shake hands with the influential people who can keep you rich, comfortable and safe from the state itself. In this movie, it those people who are clearly the bad guys.