The Slovenia Times

Commemorating Victims of 9/11


"We condemn most strongly all sorts of terrorism," said a press release the Foreign Ministry issued on Sunday to commemorate not only the 9/11 victims, but also victims of terrorism elsewhere in the world.

"We express deep sympathy to all victims and their families and express solidarity and understanding to the countries suffering due to terrorist acts."

The ministry said that the events from the past decade had shown that terrorism does not chose its means nor victims.

"Terrorism has become one of the greatest threats to international peace and security. No country is completely safe from the threat of terrorism and cannot fight against it alone; therefore a uniform and comprehensive response of the international community is needed."

The press release also welcomes any activities to reach an agreement on a comprehensive UN convention on international terrorism, as the international community has yet to agree on the definition of terrorism.

Slovenia has so far ratified fourteen of a total of sixteen anti-terrorist conventions and protocols of the UN, thus changing legislation and introducing a number of measures, said the press release.

The country also contributes to the international efforts in fight against terrorism and to the implementation of other measures within the EU, NATO, the Council of Europe and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

In the afternoon, US Ambassador to Slovenia Joseph Mussomeli opened an art exhibition dedicated to New York. He said that the events from a decade ago were often misused by both the leftist and the rightist, with both forgetting about the families of the victims.

While the leftist say that the US could not have expected anything else, considering its behaviour, the rightist use it as an excuse to restrict human liberties and to justify violence in places that had nothing to do with the attacks.

State Secretary at Foreign Ministry Dragoljuba Bencina also addressed the opening, saying that Slovenia traditionally commemorated the attacks with art, which was often much easier than only by ceremonies addressed by politicians and other speakers.

The works exhibited are by Branko Suhy, who used to live in New York City before the attacks and was deeply moved by the tragic events. The works on display were his response to the attacks.


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