The Slovenia Times

Sins of the (Janković) Sons


Commission chair Alenka Jeraj of the opposition Democrats (SDS) told the press after the session behind closed doors that the report was actually an amended version of the intermediate report from June, which had not been confirmed by a majority of commission members.

One of the conclusions of the interim report was that companies owned by Jankovic's family members made financial gains on the account of changes to the spatial plan for Ljubljana, and that companies made donations to the capital to win contracts for construction projects.

According to Jeraj, the conclusions are backed by data from the Tax Administration and the Office for Money Laundering Prevention.

The data prove that the mayor's son Jure Jankovic is the owner of certain companies which hold land plots in Ljubljana whose intended use had been changed to building plots in order to increase their value, Jeraj said.

Financial data suggest a huge gap between revenues and expenditure on the accounts of Jure Jankovic since 2006, she said, adding that Janovic's personal income was 18-times lower than expenditure.

Based on inquiry by the Tax Administration, the commission also acquired proof of financial transactions between Jure Jankovic and a judge through the company Petrolio, which has been reported to the Corruption Prevention Commission, according to Jeraj.

The commission also investigated investments by the University of Primorsko, saying in the report that the university was uneconomical in the reconstruction and expansion of its premises, "as the original expenditure plan has been significantly exceeded".

Besides Jeraj, the report was confirmed by Franc Puksic of the opposition People's Party (SLS), Silven Majhenic of the opposition National Party (SNS) and Anton Urh of the opposition Pensioner's Party (DeSUS), while Anton Colaric of the ruling Social Democrats (SD) voted against and Franci Kek of the opposition Zares abstained.

The commission has wrapped up its three-year work as parliament is to be dissolved later this week. Jeraj doubts that the National Assembly will have time to discuss the report, while Puksic said the report should be debated as it said much about the state of mind in Slovenian society, especially in Ljubljana.


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