The Slovenia Times

Slovenia close to OECD average in digital government

Science & Technology

Ljubljana - Slovenia ranks 17th in the 2019 OECD Digital Government Index (DGI), the first OECD survey measuring the use of digital technologies and data for user-driven public services in 33 countries. With an overall score of 0.51 Slovenia is just above the OECD average of 0.50.

The ranking methodology is based on the 2014 recommendations on digital government strategies which the OECD prepared in cooperation with member states.

The list is topped by South Korea, UK and Columbia.

Slovenia ranked close to the OECD average in most categories, but it was above it in the category "open by default", meaning the extent to which data, information, systems and processes are open to the public unless there is a compelling reason for them not to be. Here it ranked eighth.

Slovenia's digital government was also seen as ninth most "user-driven", the Public Administration Ministry said.

Meanwhile, the country ranked below the average in terms of how "data-driven" its public sector is (22nd place), and how proactive it is (26th place).

The ministry said that the OECD's findings and recommendations would help boost the country's digital transformation, and improve the efficiency of digital public services for citizens and companies.


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