The Slovenia Times

SDS: Cheaper State and Easier Business


According to Jansa, the two main challenges for the next government will be to secure a decent standard of living in a time when loans are more expensive and difficult to get, and to create good conditions for economic growth and jobs.

The first goal can only be achieved by making the state apparatus cheaper and the second by reducing the burden on the economy and work, swiftly fixing the banking system, eradicating payment defaults and by increasing foreign investment.

The SDS's programme dubbed "10+100" aims at passing ten measures in the first 100 days and another 100 measures in the rest of the term to address these challenges, Jansa said.

"We are striving for people to have work, as secure and well-paid jobs are the basis for social security," added Ziga Turk, the head of the SDS's development committee and former minister.

It is important that the burden of the crisis is distributed equally, Turk pointed out.

Among the ten most important measures, Turk stressed reducing the number of ministries to ten, immediately starting social and intergenerational dialogue, support for the creative and the enterprising, overcoming the credit crunch and reducing the time needed for zoning.

Public expenditure will be limited to 45% of GDP, labour costs will be cut and those responsible for bad management of banks will be held accountable, Turk announced, adding that large-scale corporate crime will see convictions.

Apartments of state-owned banks will be put on the market and staffing will only be carried out based on people's capabilities, personal integrity and readiness to contribute to exiting the crisis. "We will do away with the need for government staffing and the temptations linked to it," he added.

Andrej Sircelj of the party's finance division said that the SDS would establish a bad bank for overcoming the credit crunch by transferring bad loans to it. This will cleanse banks' balances, while also showing what kind of loans were approved and who was responsible, he said.

SDS vice-president Zvonko Cernac noted that zoning procedures were among the biggest obstacles to faster development, and that the party wanted to cut the unnecessary permits and administrative burdens, but also prevent real estate speculation.

Time needed to get a permit will be measured in days instead of years, Cernac stressed.

In order to reduce burdens for the economy, SDS deputy and former Economy Minister Andrej Vizjak announced the reduction of general corporate income tax to 15% and the introduction of tax holidays, 40% tax breaks for investments and 100% tax breaks for investments in R&D.

Romana Tomc of the party's labour, family and social affairs division said that both labour taxation and contributions would be cut to unburden labour.

A social cap is also to be introduced, enabling more competitiveness, lower costs and higher income for the employees creating the highest added value, she added.


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