Slag as innovative solution for sports infrastructure
Ljubljana- The steel maker SIJ will be joining forces with the Slovenian Olympic Committee in putting its by-product, slag, to good use in the construction of sustainable pump tracks. The project is in line with the principles of circular economy and will also reduce the use of natural resources, the Olympic Committee said on Monday.
As part of the project, SIJ, its subsidiary Acroni, the Slovenian Olympic Committee, the company Batt Crew and the association Dejmo will use slag to build five sustainable pump tracks - paved circuits with rollers and turns that are popular with cyclists and users of rollerblades and scooters.
The partners' long-term goal is to build a slag pump track in every municipality in Slovenia. Until 2022 five tracks are planned, for which almost 10,000 tonnes of slag will be used.
The most intensive talks on the location of the pump tracks are currently under way with the municipalities of Jesenice and Prevalje, while Koper and Novo Mesto have also expressed interest.
This is a continuation of Acroni's cooperation with the Olympic Committee as part of which 20 outdoor gyms were constructed.
The use of slag for pump tracks is arguably its most attractive use for the general public. Typically, the glass-like by-product left over after a desired metal has been separated from its raw ore is used in construction of roads, dams, in the making of hydraulic materials and even in fertiliser.