The Slovenia Times

30% Media Content from the Internet


Besides using the internet for media contents, Slovenians spend most of their media time during weekdays by listening to radio (32%), watching TV (20%), watching films on DVDs (9%) and reading newspapers or magazines (7%).

During weekends, the picture differs slightly, as people tend to watch more TV (26% of media time) and spend less time listening to radio (29%). However, browsing the internet remains among the top three ways of spending media time with 23%.

Slovenians spend 15% of their weekend media time by watching films on DVDs, and 4% by reading newspapers and magazines, each, according to the survey published on Wednesday.

The pollsters however highlight that respondents did not have to specify whether they were using a media actively or passively.

Valicon and Iprom carried out the survey among Slovenian internet users between the end of July and mid-September.


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