The Slovenia Times

SocDems back Erjavec as prime minister-designate candidate


Ljubljana - The opposition Social Democrats (SD) leadership endorsed on Tuesday Karl Erjavec, the leader of the Pensioners' Party (DeSUS), as a candidate for prime minister-designate. The SD also backed the formation of an alternative government and filing a constructive motion of no confidence in the government.

The SD finds it key for the potential new government to focus on tackling the health, economic and social crises until the general elections in 2022 and to set up foundations for Slovenia's development up to 2030 as well as boost public services, particularly healthcare and elderly care, SD leader Tanja Fajon said as quoted in a press release issued after a session of SD leadership.

She believes a new government would mean "the restoring of trust, normalisation of the situation and end of harsher communication that has deepened the divides among us". The SD would like to see the return of Slovenia as "an example of a democratic, green and innovative country".

To achieve this goal the party discussed today the informal KUL coalition programme priorities as well as development strategy.

The Constitutional Arch Coalition (KUL) has been formed by the SD, the Marjan Šarec List (LMŠ), the Left and the Alenka Bratušek Party (SAB).

After Erjavec announced last week that the vote of no confidence would be filed by year's end, his statement on Monday suggests that the step may not be carried out this year.

Following a meeting with KUL representatives, Erjavec said yesterday that they had agreed to invite the junior coalition Modern Centre Party (SMC) for talks, noting "it is clear that we also need support by the SMC party if we want a new government".

The SMC is to discuss the invitation on Wednesday. However, the party said almost two weeks ago that it did not support Erjavec as candidate for prime minister-designate.

The LMŠ and SAB backed Erjavec prior to the SD's endorsement, and the Left is expected to decide on the matter at the start of 2021, the party told the STA today.


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