The Slovenia Times

Dnevnik analyses SMC's decision not to leave govt


Ljubljana - The newspaper Dnevnik takes issue in Monday's commentary with the decision of the Modern Centre Party (SMC) to stay in the Janez Janša-led government despite his constant abuse. While agreeing that Karl Erjavec might not be the best option for prime minister, the paper says the party is also unhappy with all other potential candidates.

The party of Zdravko Počivalšek has also firmly rejected Jože P. Damijan and all other leaders of the parties from the KUL coalition. It is also not very likely that opposition parties would support a potential low-profile candidate the SMC might propose.

Erjavec has become a candidate for prime minister because he has come closest to collecting enough votes to overturn the government, Dnevnik says.

One of the reasons listed by the SMC for staying in the current coalition is distrust in the KUL parties and the stability of their government.

This is understandable to a certain extent given the experience from the past, but recent cooperation of opposition parties shows that nine months of Janša's rule have cut their egos somewhat. "But foremost they are aware that voters would be ruthless to the KUL party that would try to demolish a potential new government."

But despite rejecting the offer of KUL and Erjavec, the SMC would still like to forge ties with the Pensioners' Party (DeSUS) and the Marjan Šarec List (LMŠ). The party is aware that without alliances it will fail miserably in the next election.

But the SMC opted for a completely irrational scenario: it wishes to make alliances with the opposition parties as a government party, Dnevnik says under the headline Excuses for Staying in Janša's Captivity.


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