The Slovenia Times

New plan for relaxation of restrictive measures

Health & MedicinePolitics

Ljubljana - The government unveiled on Friday its latest strategy for a gradual easing of restrictive measures depending on the epidemiological situation. An assessment will be made every Wednesday starting on 13 January, with the tier then adjusted on 18 January if the situation changes.

The five-tier system is a modified version of a scheme first unveiled in early December, only that in some cases the thresholds of when certain measures are relaxed have been set higher.

For example, kindergartens and the first three forms of primary school will reopen in the red phase under the new strategy, whereas in the old scheme they would open in the orange phase.

Criteria at state level

*number of infections represents the average daily number of newly identified infections in the last seven days

Black tier
No. of infections: more than 1,350
Hospitalisations: more than 1,200

- Measures as they are currently in place

Red tier
No. of infections: under 1,350
Hospitalisations: under 1,200

- Kindergartens reopen along with the first three grades of primary schools under model C, which means in small groups and in line with all safety recommendations. Lab courses are allowed for students
- Museums, libraries, galleries reopen
- Contactless outdoor sports activities are allowed along with individual and family exercise
- Car repair shops and similar services, ski centres, certain shops reopen (regionally)

Orange tier
No. of infections: under 1,000
Hospitalisations: under 1,000

- School reopens for the remaining primary school students and final years of secondary school under model C, at the university level exams and seminars with up to ten people are allowed
- Reopening of certain other services, shops
- Assembly of up to ten persons allowed
- Free movement among municipalities with adherence to safety measures (the measure will be applied regionally)

Yellow tier
No. of infections: under 600
Hospitalisations: under 500

- School reopens for remaining high school students and university students, student dorms reopen
- All remaining services reopen
- Curfew lifted in the entire country (optionally only for some regions)

Green tier
No. of infections: under 300

- No more restrictions for the entire country
- General hygiene measures remain in place, bars and night clubs remain closed

Average number of daily infections in the last seven days per region required for transition into red and orange phase

Region Red Orange
Central Slovenia 362 268
Gorenjska 136 100
Goriška 77 57
Primorsko-Notranjska 35 26
Obalno-Kraška 76 56
Koroška 46 34
Podravska 213 158
Savinjska 168 125
Zasavska 37 28
Posavska 50 37
South-eastern region 95 70

Source: the Slovenian government


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