Adria Mobil's sales down slightly in last business year
Ljubljana - Adria Mobil, a leading European caravan maker, was on its way to achieve one of the best results in history at the beginning of the 2019/2020 business year but this did not materialise due to the coronavirus epidemic. Nevertheless, the company still sold 14,454 products on the European markets and generated EUR 401 million in revenue.
The company's business year runs from the beginning of September to the end of August next year in line with the policy introduced after the takeover by the French mobile homes maker Trigano at the end of 2017.
Sales in the last business year were slightly down, as from September 2018 to the end of August 2019 the company generated EUR 406.5 million in net sales revenue, according to the AJPES agency for legal records.
Although 2019/2020 was marked by coronavirus, which hit the tourism sector hard, caravanning was not affected so severely.
While most sale outlets for the European market were closed for weeks, the caravanning market was revived quickly, the Novo Mesto-based company said.
It highlighted the EUR 401 million revenue and the sale of 14,454 products (Adria and Sun Living travel trailers, caravans and vans) as key achievements in the past business year. In the 2018/2019 business year, 15,241 products were sold.
The company also expanded its production facilities by 3,800 square metres.
At the end of 2020, Adria Mobil employed 1,252 people, while the group had 2,003 employees, which are record-high figures.
Adria Mobil received several awards in the past business year, most for its luxury caravan Astella.
It also received subsidies from the state because of the epidemic but had to return them later because the drop in revenue did not exceed 10% and because it wanted to pay out performance bonuses to its staff.
Employees thus received a Christmas bonus of EUR 500 gross, and a performance bonus of EUR 1,700 gross.
The company plans to continue to invest in product development, technological development and in know-how and training of staff.