The Slovenia Times

Jobless Rate at 11.5%


A total of 107,049 people were registered as unemployed, about 50 more than in August and up 9.3% on the figure for September 2010.

The unemployment rate for men fell by 0.1 percentage point on August to 10.8% in September, while the rate for women remained flat at 12.3%.

Five of the 210 Slovenian municipalities still reported a registered unemployment rate above 20% in September. All of them were in the statistical region Pomurje in north-easternmost Slovenia.

The number of people in employment rose by 0.2% on August, but fell by 1.4% year-on-year to 824,491 in September.

Of those, 729,675 were people in paid employment and 94,816 were self-employed.


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