The Slovenia Times

Logar calls for Europe's green and digital recovery


Ljubljana - Foreign Minister Anže Logar addressed the fifth annual forum of the macroregional strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian region held online on Thursday, stressing that a green and digital recovery of Europe after the Covid-19 pandemic would be possible only in cooperation.

Good cooperation and coordination both at the regional and global levels will be required, he said. The success in the development and distribution of vaccines proves that such cooperation is possible, Logar stressed at the meeting discussing ways to increase resilience of the region through cooperation.

The role of macro-regional strategies in this context will depend on how successfully its priorities will be represented in the programme documents of the EU's financial mechanisms. The support to this process provided by the European Commission is a big achievement of Slovenia's one-year chairmanship of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR), Logar said.

Slovenia has initiated new forms of cooperation within the macro-region, especially in light of the EU's enlargement process. New countries expressing interest in joining the EUSAIR proves that it has become an extremely important instrument of cooperation in the region, Logar said.

Last year, North Macedonia joined the EUSAIR and this year San Marino expressed interest in joining.

Logar opened the two-day online forum together with Serbian Minister for European Integration Jadranka Joksimović, European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira, European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi and deputy foreign minister of North Macedonia Nikola Dimitrov.

The forum is being hosted by Serbia, as originally it was to be held during its chairmanship but was postponed because of the pandemic.


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