The Slovenia Times

Average net wage up by almost 7% last year


Ljubljana - The average monthly wage in Slovenia in 2020 reached EUR 1,856.20 gross, which is 5.8% more than in 2019 nominally and 5.9% higher in real terms. The average net wage was EUR 1,208.65 or 6.6% and 6.7% higher nominally and in real terms, respectively, the Statistics Office (SURS) reported on Monday.

The average gross wage in 2020 was higher both in the private sector (+4.4%) and the public sector (+7.8%) compared to the year before.

In the general government sector, it was up by 9.9%, including as a result of the payout of extraordinary bonuses related to the Covid-19 epidemic, SURS noted.

Activity-wise, it was up the most in healthcare and social security (+17.7%), while it was down the most in the hospitality industry (-3.8%).

The average gross wage was the highest in Central Slovenia, standing at EUR 2,057.92 or 10.9% above the Slovenian average. It was, meanwhile, the lowest in the Primorska-Notranjska statistical region (EUR 1,632.87).

In December 2020, the average gross wage was EUR 2,021.21 or 0.3% higher nominally and almost level in real terms compared to the month before.

The average net wage in the same month was EUR 1,314.62 or 1% higher nominally and 0.7% higher in real terms over November 2020.

In the private sector, the average gross wage for last December was 2.9% lower than that in November, mostly on account of end-year bonuses, SURS added.

In the public sector, this difference was 3.8% and in the institutional sector the average gross wage was 4.5% higher than in November.

The average monthly gross wage in December was the highest in the electricity, gas and steam supply, standing at EUR 2,947.41. It was the lowest in the hospitality industry, at EUR 1,203.63.


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