The Slovenia Times

Pahor nominates Tina Žumer as Banka Slovenije vice-governor


Ljubljana - President Borut Pahor sent to parliament today a proposal to appoint Tina Žumer a vice-governor of central bank Banka Slovenije, while the nominee will present her bid to the public at the Presidential Palace tomorrow. Žumer is a former employee of Banka Slovenije who now works at the European Central Bank.

Pahor announced his choice at the start of March after consulting deputy group leaders, saying he would nominate her if further informal consultations showed she enjoyed sufficient majority.

"The candidate meets expert criteria for the office, while it can be concluded from the talks so far that she enjoys the support of MPs necessary for appointment," Pahor's office said today.

Žumer is one of the seven applicants to have applied for the post in a repeat call after Pahor's previous pick, Arjana Brezigar Masten, failed to win an outright majority to get appointed in October 2020.

The post became vacant after Marko Bošnjak stepped down as vice-governor in May 2020 due to tax avoidance.

Slovenia's central bank is led by Governor Boštjan Vasle, whose deputy is vice-governor Primož Dolenc, with Irena Vodopivec Jean and Jožef Bradeško also serving as vice-governors. The next vacant post will be that of Vodopivec Jean, whose six-year term expires in October 2021.


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