Govt allows rallies of up to 10 people
Ljubljana - The government has amended several of Covid-19 decrees as part of its weekly review of measures on Wednesday, including allowing rallies of up to ten people across the country.
The government has also changed the status of two of Slovenia's 12 regions. With Obalno-Kraška moving from red tier to orange, restrictions to movement between the coastal region and the rest of the country have been lifted.
Meanwhile, the Primorsko-Notranjska region was promoted to tier yellow to join Posavska and SE Slovenia as the regions where hospitality establishments can open to serve customers at outdoor tables.
All other regions remain in tier orange. Changes to the status of the regions will come into effect from Monday, 22 March, according to a release issued after the government session.
In addition, the government also changed the relevant decree to allow ballet and contemporary dance classes in music schools to be held in-person from Monday.
Meanwhile, the government has extended the 9pm-6am curfew.