The Slovenia Times

Minister outlines some digital transformation reforms

Science & Technology

Ljubljana - Public Administration Minister BoĊĦtjan Koritnik has outlined several reforms Slovenia has drafted for faster digital transformation as he attended Digital Day, a virtual event organised by the European Commission and the Portuguese EU presidency on Friday.

Slovenia has drafted the reforms as part of a panel on the EU's green and digital transformation, he said as he spoke about the country's national recovery and resilience plan.

"We'll first make digital services easier to use for users. An important milestone in this respect is the introduction of national digital identity, which is recognised cross-border."

The government will set up a national competence centre for public servants to acquire new skills and know-how needed for digital transformation, he announced.

Koritnik also pointed to the role of people's trust in digital technologies, something he said proved important during the coronavirus pandemic.

He yet again welcomed UNESCO's decision to launch its first international artificial intelligence centre in Slovenia's capital Ljubljana.

Ministers in charge of digitalisation also signed several declarations: a declaration on the EU's green and digital transformation, a declaration of the European Green and Digital Coalition in support of the EU's green and digital transformation, a declaration on the EU startup nation standard, and a declaration on European data gateways.

Koritnik signed all the declarations, with Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning Andrej Vizjak also signing the one on the EU's green and digital transformation.


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