The Slovenia Times

Nika Križnar wins Ski Jumping Globe


Tchaikovsky - Nika Križnar has won the overall Ski Jumping World Cup to secure the first ever Crystal Globe trophy in the discipline in the women's competition for Slovenia.

The 21-year-old Slovenian placed third in today's event in Tchaikovsky, Russia, to pip Japanese Sara Takanashi to the trophy by nine points after the second series was cancelled due to strong winds.

The winner of today's event, Austria's Marita Kramer placed third overall, 11 points behind Križnar. Norway's Silje Opseth placed second, while Takanashi placed 7th in the event.

Kržnar thus won 871 points overall, Takanashi 862 and Kramer 860 points.

Of the 13 World Cup events this season, Križnar won ten podiums, including two victories for what were her first ever career World Cup top finishes.

As part of team Slovenia she has won two podiums this season. Today, Slovenia placed second to finish second overall with 2,883 points, 150 fewer than Austria.

Križnar's is the sixth Globe of the overall World Cup winner in winter sports for Slovenia.

Male ski jumpers Primož Peterka (1996/97 and 1997/98) and Peter Prevc (2015/16) have won three between them and Tina Maze won the Alpine skiing globe (2012/13), while Žan Košir has secured one in the Snowboard World Cup in parallel disciplines (2014/15).


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