Education Improving, Women Doing Better
According to the data on tertiary education in Slovenia the number of people who have finished at least a higher vocational school has risen from 215,000 (12.9%) to 307,000 (17.5%) between 2002 and 2011.
The office also attributes the rise to the development of the network of high schools and higher vocational schools, as well as of many new forms of education, such as e-education.
Thus the number of students has increased by 25,000 when comparing the study periods 2003/04 to 2010/11 and 1997/98 to 2002/03.
Mostly up, by 70.5%, is the number of people who finished high schools, while the number of those who finished a higher vocation school has remained stagnant since 2002.
This was also the year when Slovenia first had more women with higher education than men, a trend that only grew stronger in the past nine years.
While the number of women who enrol into high schools exceeds that of men by 18,000 on the average or by 38%, they are also much more likely to finish their studies - 91,000 women graduated between 2002 and 2010, which is 60% more than the number of men.
One in five women finished at least a higher vocational school, while the share increases to 28.3% when looking at women aged between 25 and 60.
Men are for now still ahead when it comes to masters or PhD titles, however only on account of a substantial gap from the past.
The figures show that Slovenia has in part already reached one of the goals of the Europe 2020 strategy in the area of education, which is to increase the number of people aged between 30 and 34 with at least higher vocation education to 40%. The share for women in Slovenia is 41.5%, while it is only at 22.9% for men.