The Slovenia Times

Rally against anti-corona measures held in Maribor

Health & MedicinePoliticsSpotlight

Maribor - Some 150 protesters gathered in the Maribor city centre on Saturday to protest against anti-coronavirus measures. The rally was organised through social networks. The protesters did not wear face masks and did not keep a safety distance.

"Enjoy while you can", "Today we have classes in a furniture store", and "We are wearing a smile at schools not masks" were some of the banners the protesters carried. One of the banners urged teachers to wear masks and get tested so that schools could be open.

Police officers merely monitored the event and occasionally issued a warning on a megaphone.

Taxi drivers joined the rally by driving their cars in a roundabout and honking their horns.

The group that gathered in Main Square was later joined by a large number of people and together they proceeded to the Freedom Square shouting "Masks off, and the government to jail", the newspaper Večer reported online.

The initiators of the rally also noted that a call by parents, pedagogues and other citizens against testing children for coronavirus had already been supported by 15,000 signatures.

They believe this clearly shows that they do not allow for any interfering with the basic constitutional and human rights of children and other citizens.

The initiatives, including We Will Not Give Our Children and Masks Off, claim that the authorities are destroying the foundations of the rule of law in the name of the epidemic, using repression and destroying the essence of human beings.

Meanwhile, the epidemiological situation in the country is deteriorating. Out of 2,797 PCR tests, 720 came back positive on Saturday for a 25.7% positivity rate, down 0.2 of a point from the day before, the government said on Twitter on Sunday. The rolling seven-day average rose further to 1,058, after it exceeded 1,000 on Wednesday for the first time since mid-February.

One of the thresholds for entering the red tier of restrictions is a seven-day average of new daily cases of over 1,000, but the colour-coded strategy is expected to enter into force again after the 1-11 April lockdown.

Apart from the PCR tests, another 4,042 rapid tests were also carried out, but all positive rapid tests are double-checked with PCR tests.

A total of 535 persons were in hospital this morning, up by 4, and 124 were treated in intensive care units, up one.

The 14-day incidence per 100,000 population is almost 668. The western Goriško region has the worst fortnight incidence (956), the eastern Posavje region the lowest (375).

According to the tracker site, the number of currently active cases is at over 14,110, while the death toll is 4,075.

Police established over 1,220 violations of the stricter anti-coronavirus rules, as it intensified checking compliance in public areas between Thursday and Saturday.

Over 180 fines were issued in the three-day period and four cases were referred to the health inspection service, the General Police Department said on Sunday.


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