Resolution ready on Slovenia's climate strategy until 2050
Ljubljana - The Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning has published a resolution on Slovenia's long-term climate strategy until 2050. One of the goals is for the country to become climate neutral and resilient to climate change by 2050.
In line with the resolution, which is now to be discussed by the government, Slovenia will manage its energy and natural resources efficiently while preserving a high level of competitiveness of its low-carbon circular economy.
The society will be based on renewable and low-carbon energy sources, sustainable mobility and locally produced food.
The quality of life and security will be high, and the country will use the opportunities created by the changed climate, according to the resolution.
The document envisages an inclusive transition into a climate neutral society that will take into account the principles of climate justness. This means the costs and benefits of the transition will be distributed fairly, including to the most vulnerable groups.
When the resolution is endorsed, all ministries will immediately have to start implementing measures and policies that have been agreed on to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, upgrade them and abandon any measures that run contrary to the goal of cutting emissions.
The over 100-page long document envisages a 80-90% cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 compared to 2005.
In transport and energy, emissions are to decrease by 90-99%, in agriculture by 5-22%, in industry by 80-87%, in waste management by 75-83% and in general consumption by 87-96%.
Being a strategic document, the climate strategy does not include concrete measures. The action plan for the implementation of the climate strategy by 2030 is the National Energy and Climate Plan.
The resolution also puts the share of renewable energy sources in total energy consumption at 60% by 2050. "Slovenia will continue to encourage the sources it has traditionally been using and will set up the conditions for the use of a wide range of renewable energy sources (solar, hydro, geothermal and wind energy and the energy of wood biomass)."
Energy needs will be reduced through boosting energy efficiency, circular economy and other sustainable practices. The goal is to make sure that the use of end energy in 2050 will not exceed 40 terawatt-hours.
In transport, the resolution envisages an efficient public transport system with modern means of transport and a modern railway network that will enable frequent and fast connections between cities.
In cities, the dominant form of mobility will be cycling and walking.
Cargo transport will be largely shifted to the railways and vehicles will be mostly powered by electricity and partly renewable or synthetic low-carbon gases.
In 2021-2050, a total of EUR 90-95 billion should be invested in efforts to reach climate goals.
The government is to set up a special body that will coordinate the implementation of the long-term climate strategy.