The Slovenia Times

Slovenia pledges commitment to climate goals in EU-Brazil event

PoliticsScience & Education

Ljubljana - Foreign Ministry State Secretary Stanislav Raščan pledged Slovenia's commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in line with the EU's commitment to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, as he took part in a virtual EU-Brazil event on climate change, biodiversity and sustainable development on Wednesday.

At the EU-Brazil High-level Dialogue Raščan represented the EU along with Portuguese Minister of Environment and Energy Transition Joao Pedro Matos Fernandes and European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius.

Brazil was represented by Foreign Minister Carlos Alberto Franca and Environment Minister Ricardo Salles, the Slovenian Foreign Ministry said.

As the next president of the Council of the EU Slovenia is involved in active preparations to lead coordination of EU positions on climate issues that the country will represent at the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow in November, Raščan told the event.

He also presented Slovenia's activities in management of waters and forests, views on adaptation to climate change and efforts to create the conditions for a circular economy.

Having an abundance of biodiversity, forests and waters, Slovenia advocates sustainable management at the international and committed to a socially just climate neutrality.

"Circular economy is Slovenia's strategic development priority and an opportunity to boost the economy's competitiveness while reducing consumption of natural resources," the state secretary was quoted as saying.

Slovenia and Brazil have been enhancing dialogue on raising the awareness about the opportunities of a transition to a circular economy and the potential for cooperation of businesses and science and research institutions from the two countries, reads the release from the Foreign Ministry.


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