The Slovenia Times

Luka Doncic passes 5,000 career points


It seems like Luka Doncic reaches a new milestone every other week. Sometimes it can be hard to keep track of all his achievements, even at his young age. The latest? Doncic scored 5,000 points for his career. Ironically enough, a couple of free throws with eight minutes left in the first quarter put him exactly at 5,000 points.

Doncic becomes the fastest active player to reach 5,000 career points, passing the milestone in only 194 career games. LeBron James was able to reach 5K in 197 games. Doncic is often measured by James' playing style, and reaching a scoring number like this in similar timeframes shows that it's a fair comparison.

Doncic is the fourth-youngest player in NBA history to reach 5,000 career points, trailing only James, Kevin Durant, and Carmelo Anthony. He's also the fastest Maverick to reach 5,000 points in a career. Mark Aguirre reached the same number in 202 games. It took Dirk Nowitzki 270 games to reach 5,000 points. It shows just how special Doncic is when he reaches 5K faster than a prolific scorer like Nowitzki.

Doncic is currently 16th all-time in franchise history with 5,000 points and counting. He'll likely pass Devin Harris for 15th all-time before the season is over. He's only a few dozen points behind the longtime Maverick guard. If he stays healthy, it's likely he'll be eighth all-time in franchise scoring by the end of next season. He'll pass some big names on the way, such as Jason Kidd, Steve Nash, J.J. Barea, and Jim Jackson, just to name a few.

So far, the young phenom from Slovenia has lived up to all the pre-draft hype that surrounded him. In fact, Doncic has exceeded all expectations for the Mavericks and NBA fans in general. If he stays healthy, it won't be long until we're discussing him passing 10,000 points for his career.


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