The Slovenia Times

Govt with lowest support so far, SDS remains in lead in Vox Populi poll


Ljubljana - The latest Vox Populi poll, commissioned by dailies Dnevnik and Večer, shows that the support for the Janez Janša government has hit its lowest point so far as 70.2% think the government is not doing its job well. Meanwhile, the ruling Democrats (SDS) remain in the lead, followed by the opposition SocDems.

The share of the respondents who assess the government's work as unsuccessful increased by almost 3 percentage points on the previous month as the support for the government continues to hit all-time lows.

On the other hand, 26.1% believe the government is doing a good job.

If there had been an election on Sunday, the coalition SDS would have got the most votes, 18%, almost one percentage point down on the previous poll.

In second place would have been the opposition Social Democrats (SD), which were almost level on April at 13.1%, trailed by the opposition Marjan Šarec List (LMŠ), which shed almost two percentage points month-on-month to 8.2%.

In fourth place with a 7.3% support were the coalition New Slovenia (NSi), virtually on par with the April figure, and the opposition Left, which gained 0.4 percentage point on the previous month.

The opposition Alenka Bratušek Party (SAB) enjoys a 3.6% support, same as in April.

The poll suggests the People's Party (SLS), the National Party (SNS), the Modern Centre Party (SMC) and Pensioners' Party (DeSUS) would not make it to parliament, even though all of the them saw voter support for them increase slightly - the SLS gained 0.7 percentage point, the SNS 0.8 percentage point, the SMC 0.3 percentage point and DeSUS 0.2 percentage point.

The share of undecided voters grew by some 4 percentage points to 32.9% as the share of those who would not cast their ballot at all decreased by 3 percentage points to 4.4%.

According to the poll, if there were an election now, the SDS would secure 28 seats in parliament, the SD 20, the LMŠ 13, the NSi eleven, the Left eleven and the SAB five.

MEP Ljudmila Novak (EPP/NSi) remains the most popular Slovenian politician after unseating President Borut Pahor in February. Pahor, who had been a long-standing favourite in this category, is now in second place, followed by MEP and SD leader Tanja Fajon (S&D/SD).

Prime Minister Janez Janša is almost at the bottom of the popularity rankings, placing 21st in the penultimate spot.

The poll was conducted by pollster Ninamedia between 11 and 13 May among 700 adults.


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