The Slovenia Times

Coronavirus figures keep gradually improving

Health & Medicine

Ljubljana - Slovenia recorded 273 coronavirus cases for Wednesday as the rolling 7-day average daily case count further dropped by 13 to 260. Three patients with Covid-19 died, the government said on Thursday.

The latest cases were confirmed from 3,837 PCR tests, for a positivity rate of 7.1%, down from 9% for Tuesday.

A total of 27,557 people were screened with rapid antigen tests, with all positive rapid tests double-checked with PCR tests.

The number of Covid-19 patients in hospitals dropped by one to 213 this morning after 19 were discharged. 60 patients, or two fewer than yesterday, were in intensive care.

The cumulative 14-day incidence per 100,000 residents is now at 183, down four from the day before.

The government's coronavirus spokesperson Maja Bratuša told the press data from this morning showed 681,945 persons had already received the first jab, while over 432,280 had been fully vaccinated.

Milan Krek, the director of the National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ), said that by yesterday, 20.5% of the population had been fully vaccinated.

He is optimistic about the course of the epidemic in Slovenia and Europe, saying that only in four countries the number of infections was increasing.

Slovenia is in a stable stage of the epidemic: "The number of confirmed cases in Slovenia is dropping daily, the occupancy of hospital beds, including in intensive care, is dropping, so is the number of deaths, hospital admissions and the number of active cases."

Krek nevertheless urged caution and called on people to adhere to preventive measures, saying that despite the falling number of infections "we are still very burdened by the number if infections", which makes the situation still serious. What is more the virus can still mutate.

The latest results of tests carried out by the National Laboratory of Health, Environment and Food show the English variant is still dominant in the country.

It accounted for 94% of the 127 samples sequenced over the past week, while a total of six different strains were detected in these samples, said Bratuša.

The strain first detected in New York was also confirmed over the past week, while so far, only three such cases have been recorded, all in the Obalno-Kraška region, south-west.


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