The Slovenia Times

Corrected analysis shows Slovenia around EU average for green, digital investment


Ljubljana/Brussels - The Brussels-based think tank Bruegel has revised its recent analysis of national recovery and resilience plans. While Slovenia originally stood out by its low share of digital and green investments, the updated figures place Slovenia in the middle of the rankings.

On Sunday Bruegel published a comparative analysis of 23 EU member states' national recovery and resilience plans.

After being quoted at EUR 0.77 billion on Sunday, the figure for Slovenia's investment in the green transition has now been revised to EUR 1.05 billion on Monday. The figure for digitalisation has been revised from EUR 0.17 billion to EUR 0.54 billion.

For the category "other", the figure has been revised downwards, from EUR 1.62 billion to EUR 0.91 billion, according to the updated chart.

Brugel noted that comparing national plans was very challenging, as the data is presented in very different structures. According to a tweet by the newspaper Delo, the think-tank had some issues with the Slovenian data on loans.

The Government Office for Development and European Cohesion stressed on Monday that Slovenia's recovery and resilience plan "exceeds the quotas for green and digital targets set by the regulation establishing the EU's Recovery and Resilience Facility fund."

Additionally, Slovenia will ensure substantial funding in both areas under the REACT-EU cohesion policy and the multi-annual financial framework 2021-2027, it added, labelling Slovenia's recovery and resilience plan as forward-looking.

According to the regulation, at least 20% of available funds should be dedicated to achieving digital objectives and at least 37% to green objectives.

"The Slovenian plan foresees just above 20% for digital objectives and almost 44% for green objectives, which is more than 6% above the lowest limit set by the regulation," the government office said.


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