The Slovenia Times

S&P Global and DBRS Morningstar affirm Slovenia's ratings


Ljubljana - The Toronto-based credit rating agency DBRS Morningstar and the New York-based agency S&P Global Ratings have affirmed Slovenia's A rating and AA- rating, respectively, both with a stable outlook.

The DBRS Morningstar agency highlighted in a press release that despite the coronavirus epidemic Slovenia boasted a solid framework of macroeconomic policies, according to the Finance Ministry.

The country entered the Covid crisis in a good shape, said DBRS Morningstar, noting that the extent of recovery this year would also depend on vaccination developments, and Slovenia and Europe's success in tackling Covid-19.

The latest affirmations of Slovenia's credit ratings again show that "Slovenia remains a stable and trust-worthy country that is successfully fighting the Covid-19 epidemic", said the ministry.


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