The Slovenia Times

Holiday traffic builds long queues at borders

Environment & Nature

Gruškovje - Slovenian roads and border crossings are congested with holiday traffic on what is one of the busiest weekends of the summer. A 10-kilometre tailback is reported on the motorway leading to the Gruškovje crossing with Croatia.

A queue of about one kilometre has also formed on the Slovenian side of the Karawanks border tunnel with Austria, while the tailback on the Austrian side of the tunnel runs to 14 kilometres, the traffic information centre has reported.

The tunnel is being closed at intervals to ensure safety.

Congestions are also reported from most other border crossings with Croatia in both directions. At some crossings drivers are waiting more than two hours to cross.

The Vinica crossing is closed due to technical problems on the Croatian side.

The congestions, typical of high summer, are being made worse this year as border officers are also checking passengers' certificates on their Covid-19 status.

With storms and downpours forecast during the day, the authorities are asking drivers to exert patience and adjust their driving to the weather conditions and keep a sufficient safety distance.


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