The Slovenia Times

National plan for higher education announcing changes in financing

Health & Medicine

Ljubljana - The draft 2021-2030 National Programme for Higher Education, which will be up for public debate until 20 September, envisages changes to the granting of concessions and financing of higher education institutions. The Education Ministry says the document will be the basis for policies in higher education in the next decade.

According to the ministry, the 15-page document is based on the guidelines adopted by the Higher Education Council in April.

In line with the programme, the key strategic goals are to raise the level and quality of higher education in Slovenia, and increase the flexibility and appeal of the higher education system in relation to the needs of the economy and society at large.

Other key strategic goals are to boost the internationalisation of the higher education system, improve access to education and life-long learning throughout the country, promote research and innovation, and improve the transfer of know-how into the environment.

The document is divided into five sections, setting strategic goals and measures in connection to social development, legislation and financing, quality of education, internationalisation and digitalisation.

Under the plan, concessions will be granted to accredited university programmes for which there is sufficient social demand, which will be in line with the plans for development of Slovenia's society and regional development, and will add to the diversity of quality higher education programmes in Slovenia.

In financing, the document envisages legislative changes that will define public service in higher education and that will secure the stability of financing of educational, scientific, research and artistic activities of higher education institutions.

Experts and other members of the public can submit their remarks until 20 September through web site e-demokracija.

According to the Education Ministry, the action plans for each field will be prepared within six months after the adoption of the 2021-2030 National Programme for Higher Education based on an analysis of the situation in 2020.


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