The Slovenia Times

Janša presents SDS's terms for cooperation in next coalition


Krško - The head of the ruling coalition Democrats (SDS) and Prime Minister Janez Janša commented at the party's regional meeting in Leskovec pri Krškem on Saturday on a possible new coalition, saying that the SDS did not exclude anyone but that it did have certain conditions such as that all partners work for the common good rather than own interests.

He said coalition partners will need to put the interests of the people first. This is why there cannot be any talks on open borders and migration corridors, he was quoted as saying in a post on the SDS's website.

Another condition for cooperating in the next coalition is strict respect for the values of the Slovenian Constitution, Janša said.

All parties that will join the SDS in the next coalition must also agree to support the European Parliament's resolution condemning all totalitarian regimes, he said.

Commenting on the upcoming election year, he said that a lot of work had been done so far despite the fact that the state was faced with the epidemic, and despite criticism from the opposition.

He listed efforts for debureaucratisation, investment in education and sport, and the bill on long-term car that has been filed in the parliamentary procedure as the most important measures adopted by the government.


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