The Slovenia Times

Government approves draft resolution on equal opportunities


Ljubljana - The government approved a draft resolution last week on the National Programme for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men until 2030, which sets out the objectives and measures to achieve equal opportunities between the genders in Slovenia, focusing on labour market segregation, the gender pay gap and dividing household work.

In Slovenia, as in many other EU member states, gender inequalities are mainly reflected in the persistent gender segregation of the labour market, the gender pay and pension gaps, and the prevalence of gender-based violence against women and girls, the authors of the resolution point out.

Inequality is also reflected in higher poverty rates among older women, and the unequal distribution of household responsibilities, which has a negative impact on women's position in the labour market. Gender representation in many areas is unbalanced, with stereotypical beliefs that inhibit the development of potential, regardless of gender.

The authors also highlighted gender segregation in education and employment. In addition, the gender pay gap is widening, the share of women in politics and the economy is declining, while gender segregation in employment is increasing.

They were particularly concerned about segregation in modern fields of work, such as the digital sector, where men are highly predominant in education and employment.

The new draft resolution provides for funding to improve the employment prospects of women from vulnerable groups. These funds would be earmarked, among other things, for employment training and education and for employer incentives.

An estimated EUR 30.1 million is earmarked for the implementation of active employment policy programmes this year, with an additional EUR 200,000 for the promotion of women's entrepreneurship.

Meanwhile, measures to promote balancing work and family life include projects and activities aimed towards raising awareness and tackling gender stereotypes in the division of domestic labour. Just under EUR 284,000 will be earmarked for these activities over two years.

The EU's Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 will provide funding under the European Social Fund to implement measures to promote quality jobs and help close the gender gap in the labour market.

It will also fund programmes to promote the social inclusion of the most vulnerable groups of women, those at risk of poverty or social exclusion, including the most deprived and children.

The office of the Advocate of the Principle of Equality stressed that the resolution is an important strategic document, based on the recognition that gender discrimination is an issue and that in order to create equal opportunities, action is needed at a systemic level.

They welcomed the proposal also including a commitment for the state to take measures to eliminate pay inequalities and ensure pay transparency, and that it promised to "strengthen the legislative framework".

However, they say it fails to mention several specific known shortcomings in the rules and the time frame for their correction. For some of the measures contained in the resolution, the Advocate proposed the introduction of qualitative indicators and clearer objectives.


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