The Slovenia Times

Austrian company picked to draw up Slovenia's tourism strategy


Ljubljana - Austrian company PKF tourismexperts has been selected by the Economy Ministry to draw up a proposal of strategy of sustainable development of Slovenian tourism from 2022 tod 2028 for EUR 78,285, it follows from the public procurement portal.

The ministry published a call for the strategy in March, estimating the value of the project at EUR 80,000, VAT excluded. The selected bidder is to produce a strategy within five months.

Four bids have been submitted. Apart from the Austrian company, which made the highest cost estimate, a bid by the Centre of Business Excellence at the Ljubljana School of Economics and Business in conjunction with the Zagreb company Horwath i Horwath Consulting has been deemed acceptable.

Meanwhile, the ministry rejected the bids by the University of Primorska, Faculty of Tourism Studies - Turistica and Bluerock International from Zagreb and the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality in Opatija, Croatia, for failing to meet the requirements in the call.

The current tourism strategy, running from 2017 to 2021, defined Slovenia as a boutique destination for a discerning visitor who is looking for diverse and active experiences, peace and personal benefits.

The ministry said the new strategy would need to efficiently address the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on tourism and set out measures for sustainable development of high value added tourism that involves local communities and staff in tourism in development and growth.


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