The Slovenia Times

Vox Populi poll: Government rating remains low


Ljubljana - The Vox Populi poll carried out for the newspapers Dnevnik and Večer shows that support for the government is at 28%, one of the lowest ratings so far. Nevertheless, the ruling Democrats (SDS) continue enjoying the strongest support at 18%, followed by three left-leaning parties.

The SDS added 0.4 points to 18.4% and is followed by three opposition parties - the Social Democrats (SD) at 13.3%, Left at 9.2% and the Marjan Šarec List (LMŠ) at 8.9%, all slightly up over August. The fourth centre-left party, the SAB, polled at 3.5%.

If a general election was held on Sunday, the four opposition parties are projected to win 52 seats to easily form a government coalition, while even only three of them - the SD (20), Left (14) and LMŠ (13) - would suffice, as they would win 47 seats.

The coalition New Slovenia (NSi) polled at 5.3%, while the coalition Modern Centre Party (SMC) and the Pensioners Party (DeSUS), whose MPs have been supporting the government, have both fallen under 1%.

Dnevnik writes that that could spell trouble for the ruling Democrats (SDS) in the upcoming election, as they might struggle to find partners with sufficient support to form a coalition even if they win the election.

The government earned low support in September's Vox Populi poll, with 69.3% saying it performed poorly, whereas 28.1% consider it successful.

The number of undecided voters has decreased from 30.4% to 27%, while 7.4% said they would not go to the polls, up from 6.9%.

President Borut Pahor remains at the top of the rankings for Slovenia's most popular politician, ahead of MEP and ex-NSi leader Ljudmila Novak.

The biggest drop was suffered by Health Minister Janez Poklukar, as he fell from third to 12th place since August, with Dnevnik attributing his fall from grace to the confusion and trouble related to the new PCT rules.

SD leader Tanja Fajon placed third and parliamentary Speaker Igor Zorčič fourth. Ljubljana Mayor Zoran Janković completes the top five, while Prime Minister Janša placed 22nd.

Pollster Ninamedia surveyed a total of 700 persons between 14 and 16 September.


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