The Slovenia Times

Govt Approval Rating at 32.6%


The fourth-ranked party is the coalition People's Party (SLS) with 5.8%, followed by the fellow coalition New Slovenia (NSi) with 3.8% and the Pensioners' Party (DeSUS) with 2%.

The Virant List, the second biggest party in the right-leaning coalition, is the least supported parliamentary party with 1.6%, suggests the poll carried out by the Ninamedia agency for the daily Dnevnik and commercial POP TV.

The survey, released on Sunday, sees 2.2% of the people polled picking some other party, 15.7% saying they were undecided and 13.5% saying they would not vote.

Asked about the presidential candidates, almost half of the respondents (46.2%) said they would vote for incumbent President Danilo Türk, while Milan Zver of the SDS is supported by 20% of the people polled.

Former PM Borut Pahor would get 21.9% of the vote and Constitutional Court President Ernest Petrič would get 3.2% (unlike Türk and Zver, the two are not formal candidates). While 1.7% of the respondents would vote for some other candidate, 4.5% are undecided and 2.4% would not vote.

In a potential second round between Pahor and Türk, 50.8% would vote for Türk, and 40.4% for Pahor.

On a 1 to 5 scale, the performance of the National Assembly was assessed with an average grade of 2.73, while Prime Minister Janez Janša earned an average mark of 3.04.

Economic Development and Technology Minister Radovan Žerjav was assessed as the best minister (mentioned by 31.4% of the respondents), while Foreign Minister Karl Erjavec is the worst performing minister (26.2%).

The new family law, which will be voted on in a referendum on 25 March, is supported by 47.2% of the respondents, 40.4% are against it, and 12.4% are undecided. More than 42% of the people polled said they would definitely attend the referendum.

President Türk remains on the top of the list of most popular politicians, followed by Žerjav, Pahor, European Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik and MEP Lojze Peterle.

The telephone survey took place between 13 and 15 March among 700 respondents.


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