The Slovenia Times

Slovenia gets EUR 4.8 million in Brexit adjustment funds


Brussels - Slovenia will get EUR 4.8 million under an EUR 5 billion adjustment instrument for member states hit by Brexit that the Council approved on Tuesday. Slovenia's allocation is the lowest among all member states.

The calculations for each member state took into account the importance of trade with the UK, the importance of fisheries in the UK's exclusive economic zone, and the importance of neighbouring links for the maritime border regions with the UK.

"The prompt adoption of the reserve means that the much needed funding will soon be made available to the worst affected European regions and companies, especially SMEs and their workers," Zvonko Černač, Slovenian minister for development and European cohesion policy, said on behalf of the Slovenian EU presidency.

"Our goal is to help the most vulnerable navigate through a difficult period of adjustment to the aftermath of Brexit. This demonstrates solidarity by all member states with the most affected areas," he said.


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