The Slovenia Times

Vizjak notes importance of agreement at Glasgow COP26 summit


Milan - Environment Minister Andrej Vizjak attended a three-day Pre-COP meeting in Milan whose participants tried to bring their positions closer together ahead of the COP26 summit in Glasgow. He noted the importance of an agreement being reached at the summit as the only way to limit heating of the atmosphere and negative impact of climate change.

On behalf of the EU, Vizjak said at the final plenary that it was important to "reach an agreement in Glasgow, as this is the only way to limit heating of the environment to 1.5 degrees Celsius and prevent a series of adverse effects of climate change".

The minister added that the COP26 had to provide clear commitments for mitigating climate change, climate financing and adapting, says the press release from the Environment Ministry.

Slovenia as the EU president country advocates successful presentation of the positions of the EU in negotiations with third countries before and during the summit in Glasgow. The EU environment ministers are thus expected to be given the mandate to represent the EU at the meeting.

The participants of the Pre-COP discussed the key open issues that are of particular importance to make concrete progress and successfully conclude the negotiations in Glasgow.

They discussed increasing the ambition in mitigating climate change, determining rules for international carbon markets, finalising the book of rules for the implementation of the Paris accord, among other topics.

The ministry said that, when it comes to climate financing, debate still focuses on raising the ambition to mobilise additional financial resources and thus reach the collective financial goal by 2025, intended for developing countries.

"The commitments given by some leaders in September on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly inspire hope that there is certain progress in this field," it added.


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