The Slovenia Times

Medical chamber, doctor reach settlement over vaccine statements

Health & Medicine

Ljubljana - The Medical Chamber and GP Nada Hiti have reached a settlement on the doctor's video in which she discussed a problematic heavy metal content in anti-coronavirus and flu vaccines. In a written statement that is part of the settlement, Hiti has distanced herself from her statements.

The doctor says that based on the content of heavy metals discovered in the vaccines, it could not be claimed these could dangerously accumulate in the body if a person is vaccinated with these vaccines several times.

The chamber launched a proceeding against Hiti of the Domžale Community Health Centre after she published a clip on social media after diluting an mRNA Covid-19 vaccine with water and urine and sending the sample to the laboratory for analysis.

Hiti's statement, published in the chamber's publication, says the results she presented in the video came from a lab test for which she cannot claim was professionally reliable, so the results she presented cannot be seen as having scientific value.

Her statement also says that research by certified institutions in the country would be needed to see whether individual series of vaccines perhaps contained a hazardous amount of heavy metals.

Hiti explains that her research was not meant to mislead the non-medical public about the heavy metal content. It was meant to gain data about the heavy metal content to encourage research by institutions licences for such research.

She moreover distances herself from the test results being abused malicious purposes, including violence. The doctor also commits to respecting the code of ethics.

A vast majority of health workers in Slovenia have been highlighting the importance of vaccination and other preventive measures against Covid-19 during the pandemic.

However, a handful have taken a different stand, airing their anti-vaccination views on social media and via certain media outlets. Their views have been embraced by opponents of government anti-coronavirus measures, with several recent protests turning violent.


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