The Slovenia Times

Energy production in Slovenia up last year, consumption down


Ljubljana - A total of 153,000 terajoules (TJ) of energy was produced in Slovenia last year, which is 4% more than in 2019, while final consumption was down by 9% to 188,000 TJ. The share of energy from renewable sources in final consumption was up by 2.2 percentage points to 24.16%, the Statistics Office said on Wednesday.

The largest share of generated power came from nuclear energy (45%), followed by renewables, including hydro power (31%), and coal (24%). Slovenia satisfied 55% of its energy needs with domestic sources.

The largest share of energy was consumed in transport (35%), while the consumption of energy in transport was down by more than 18% compared to 2019. The second largest consumer was manufacturing and construction (28%).

The structure of final consumption was dominated by petroleum products (42%), followed be electricity (25%), renewable energy sources (15%), natural gas (13%), heat (4%) and solid fuel (1%).

Almost 45,000 TJ was intended for final consumption in households, or 1% more than in 2019, with the largest share (62%) accounting for energy used for heating, followed by energy used for lighting and household appliances (17%).

Wood biomass is the biggest single source of energy for households(36%), followed by electricity (29%), heating oil and natural gas (10%), and district heating with 7%.


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