The Slovenia Times

Slovenia slips in energy trilemma index, still in top 20


London - Slovenia has slipped three places in the World Energy Council's latest energy trilemma index to rank 17th among 127 countries, behind the Netherlands and ahead of Australia. Sweden, Switzerland and Denmark top the rankings.

The London-based World Energy Council evaluates countries' energy systems through three dimensions: energy security, energy equity (accessibility and affordability) and environmental sustainability, with grade A being the best.

Slovenia scored 75 points, after getting 69 points for energy security, 84 points for energy equity and 73 on energy sustainability.

The Slovenian Energy Chamber said the security score remained high, which showed that the country had a "diverse and balanced energy mix and a stable and safe grid."

Nevertheless, the achievement of greenhouse gas emission targets will put the transmission network to the test and will require additional investments in the network and in generation capacity.

And although Slovenia has a high score for energy equity, it is necessary to address energy poverty more seriously.

The chamber also sees potential for improvements regarding environmental sustainability, noting that additional measures were expected in this segment as part of the EU's Fit for 55 package.


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