The Slovenia Times

Wolt rejects survey suggesting staff work in poor conditions


Ljubljana - Wolt Slovenija has rejected the findings of a survey by the Mladi Plus youth trade union suggesting that workers hired by food delivery platforms in Slovenia work in poor conditions. It has told the STA that its delivery staff are satisfied with their job and partnership and that labour legislation is not being violated.

The company said on Friday that it currently cooperates with 700 delivery staff members active on a weekly basis in five Slovenian cities, and that they work on average between four and six hours a day.

This comes after Mladi Plus presented a survey on Thursday on the occasion of the World Day for Decent Work showing that the delivery staff working for Wolt and Glovo work up to 12 hours a day seven days a week.

The trade union said that they had to provide their own means of transportation, while pay is not stable, depending on hours worked, distance from clients, traffic and weather.

Workers have no in-person contact with the management, there is little care for safety at work, with most of the workers working as students or self-employed, meaning these are precarious jobs, while they have elements of regular employment.

In a statement for the STA, Wolt Slovenija said that the delivery staff "receive clothing adequate for different weather conditions, i.e. waterproof trousers, jacket, windbreakers, shirts, gloves, hats, phone holder and backpack".

The company said that it was in constant touch with the delivery staff, and that an anonymous satisfaction survey was carried out four times a year among the staff.

"As many as 86% of them are satisfied or very satisfied with the work and partnership," Wolt Slovenija said, noting that the average mark for partnership was 4.16 on a one-to-five scale.

The company added that each delivery person had their accident insurance covered and that all employment contracts were concluded in accordance with Slovenian legislation, "so there are no violations of labour relationships".


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