Power group HSE enters retail electricity market
Ljubljana - Holding Slovenske elektrarne (HSE), the state-owned power company and the country's largest producer of electricity from renewable sources, will enter the retail electricity market by signing an agreement on Thursday to acquire a 51% stake in the company ECE, created in a merger of Elektro Celje and Elektro Gorenjska.
"We will combine the best of our energies and jointly enhance our operations with the confidence, know-how and experience of HSE - the buyer, and power distributors Elektro Celje and Elektro Gorenjska - the sellers," said the HSE.
The signing of the agreement on Thursday will take place at the premises of Elektro Celje in Ĺ empeter, accompanied by a press conference to present the details of the deal.
The directors of HSE and ECE and the chairmen of the boards in Elektro Gorenjska and Elektro Celje are expected to take part.