The Slovenia Times

Debate calls for boosting EU's global position

Daily news

Ljubljana - A round table debate hosted by the National Assembly on Wednesday discussed the future of Europe and the role of the EU in the multipolar international environment, in particular ways to enhance the bloc's geostrategic position through foreign and security policy action. Foreign Minister Anže Logar said a credible and safe EU was called for.

Logar spoke about the EU's goals to enhance its strategic autonomy, be open and strong as an economy. Autonomy should be based on a socially just transition to greener and more digital ways of creating added value. The EU's model of democracy and way of life should be an example to others, he said, according to a press release from the National Assembly.

Monika Gregorčič, the head of the parliamentary Foreign Policy Committee, said that as Europe's future is linked closely to the dynamics of the international environment, the EU must step up its global positioning, strengthen existing traditional partnerships and develop new ones.

Diplomat Božo Cerar welcomed the intention of senior EU representatives to assert the EU's global role in their agenda, arguing that preserving the status quo was weakening its position.

Erik Kopač, the permanent representative with NATO, said that for the EU to preserve its credibility, its goals and priorities should be EU realistic and based on its capabilities and the political will of its member countries.

Similarly, Jernej Müller, the head of the Foreign Ministry directorate for common foreign and security policy, highlighted consensus between member states as the basis for decision-making and key for the EU's action.

The participants also spoke about the situation in the Indo-Pacific region. Ambassador to Japan Ana Polak Petrič emphasized the EU's role in the region as the largest investor and a partner willing to enhance cooperation with the region.


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