The Slovenia Times

DeSUS MPs are not planning to change course


Ljubljana - After the council of the Pensioners' Party (DeSUS) adopted a resolution yesterday denying the government any further support, the party's MPs said they were planning to continue with the same course of action as so far where they agree what their vote will be on each legislative proposal on a case-by-case basis.

Speaking to reporters, MP Branko Simonovič said he was surprised by the proposal tabled by party leader Ljubo Jasnič yesterday that the party was denying any support to the government, adding that Jasnič must have forgotten DeSUS is no longer a member of the coalition.

Simonovič said he did not know what was going on in their party but he as an opposition MP had no problem supporting anything if there were arguments in favour.

He said their voting showed DeSUS functioned as a moderate opposition. While they do not support all government-sponsored proposals, they support many of those sponsored by parliamentary parties, he said.

The MP criticised Jasnič for failing to consolidate the party and prepare it for election, expressing doubt the party was ready for a snap election, lacking a clear manifesto. This was also the reason he voted against the proposal to renounce support to the government and urge it to call a snap election.

He also cast into doubt Jasnič's announcement that the party will not back a revised state budget for 2022. "In line with the government measures we have started building care homes for pensioners. What does it mean if the supplementary budget for 2022 is not passed," he wondered.

Simonovič would not say how DeSUS MPs would opt in the upcoming votes of no confidence in Education Minister Simona Kustec and Justice Minister Marjan Dikaučič, but merely said they would decide once they have closely read the arguments of the opposition and the ministers' response.

Similarly, MP Ivan Hršak said the DeSUS deputy group considered their decisions on whether they benefited the party and its voters, that is pensioners, which was how they intended to do in the future as well, including in case of the budget documents for 2022 and 2023.

MP Franc Jurša would not comment on the DeSUS council resolution.


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