The Slovenia Times

Media's advertising revenue down 10% last year


Ljubljana - Total revenue from advertising in leading media in Slovenia dropped by a good 10% to EUR 250 million in 2020 compared to the pre-Covid year 2019. The biggest drop was recorded in outdoor advertising and the smallest in print media, according to an annual report compiled by the magazine Marketing Magazin.

Advertising revenue of print media has been falling for several years, and last year the biggest drop was witnessed by the newspaper Večer (-17%).

Primorske Novice saw its advertising revenue drop 10%, while Delo and Dnevnik recorded the smallest drops - 7% each. Mladina, on the other hand, saw a 10% rise.

Publishing company Adria Media's revenue meanwhile plummeted by 60%, which Marketing Magazin attributes to the sale of a segment of its portfolio.

TV channels saw an average drop of 7%, which could be a result of "sleepy" marketing at the start of the epidemic when its impact on consumption was still rather unclear.

A major drop, that of 45%, was recorded by Sport Klub, chiefly as a result of many matches and competitions being cancelled.

Leading radio stations generated 15% lower revenue, but Catholic station Radio Ognjišče and public broadcaster Radio Slovenija saw the lowest drops, of 1% and 6%, respectively.

The crisis affected outdoor advertising most severely, slashing revenue by 22%, which the report says is logical given the lockdown and movement restrictions.

The report says that the companies offering outdoor advertising are expected to make up for the loss of revenue as early as this year.

Marketing Magazin estimates that all revenue of major media, including the licence fee public broadcaster RTV Slovenija receives, totalled some EUR 400 million last year.

It said however that some revenue is hard to pinpoint due to a number of other businesses or companies being interwoven with revenue from one going to another, while companies also spend a lot of money on "digital" advertising.


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