The Slovenia Times

POP TV poll shows support for SDS rising, Pahor's ratings fall


Ljubljana - The ruling Democratic Party (SDS) has recorded a rise in its support ratings of almost four percentage points compared to September, while President Borut Pahor's popularity has comprehensively declined, shows the latest poll commissioned by the commercial broadcaster POP TV.

The SDS remains in the lead with 18.6%, as its support has risen by 3.6 percentage points compared to September. The opposition Social Democrats (SD) remain second with 11.5%, also rising by almost two percentage compared to last month.

The SD are followed by the opposition Left at 9%, who gained one percentage point, and the Marjan Šarec List (LMŠ) with 5.6%, which slipped back 1.4 points compared to September.

With 5%, the coalition New Slovenia (NSi) has gained 1.1 points compared to September to overtake the opposition Alenka Bratušek Party (SAB) with 4%, which lost 1.2 points and thus conceded the fifth place.

Meanwhile, the coalition Modern Centre Party (SMC) and the Pensioners Party (DeSUS) remain well below the parliament threshold at 1.2% and 0.9%, respectively.

The proportion of undecided voters (20.9%) has declined by more than five percentage points compared to September, while 8% would not vote for any of the existing parties.

NSi MEP Ljudmila Novak returned to the top of the popularity ranking of politicians to unseat the long-standing public favourite, President Borut Pahor, who recorded one of his worst results yet with coming in fifth.

Second place was taken by parliamentary Speaker Igor Zorčič, followed by Health Minister Janez Poklukar and Foreign Minister Anže Logar in third and fourth, respectively.

The poll was conducted by Mediana among 712 respondents.


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